К вопросу о проблеме символизма в истории культуры
https://doi.org/10.31489/2023hph1/243-249Ключевые слова:
цивилизация, символизм, образ, антропология, семиотика, логика, лингвистика, детерминант, знаки, аллегория, смысл, миф, религияАннотация
The study of symbolism as an independent productive methodological program requires the study of the internal logic of the symbolization process, the analysis of the central concept of this methodology – the symbol, comparison and comparison of it with such concepts as “concept”, “idea”, “image”, “sign”, “meaning”,
“meaning”, “value” and others, the relationship of the symbol with language, the process of signification and
production of meaning. In addition, we aimed to show the productivity of the symbolic approach on the material of specific cultural forms, such as myth, language, art and others. Demonstration of the productivity of this approach can stimulate further symbolist research in a wide variety of areas of culture, cultural history, and above all domestic. The process of symbolization is the deepest phenomenon of human cultural creativity, it appears at the earliest stages of the development of culture and accompanies its entire history. It would be naive to believe that this process is characteristic only of the early stages of cultural development, and then, as often stated, it is replaced by a rational and logical type of cultural creativity. Symbolization permeates the rational and irrational processes of human socio-cultural activity. This is especially clearly manifested in crisis periods by the breaking of old symbolic systems and the search for new symbols and methods of symbolization. This is as typical as, for example, for the early medieval or Renaissance culture, and for modern Kazakh and post-Soviet cultures, which have identified new social guidelines and values and are striving to find new symbols for the new reality. The study of the symbolism and logic of the symbolization process is of particular importance in the conditions of the modernization development of modern Kazakhstan.