About the Journal
The purpose of the journal is to publish the results of scientific research on topical problems of history and philosophy in the original articles of the authors, to contribute to the development of international scientific cooperation, to strengthen the role and importance of historical knowledge in society, to solve urgent problems of the social sciences and humanities.
The objectives of the journal are to create an open platform for scientific discussions among scientists; expanding the availability of research results of scientists and the exchange of knowledge and professional experience between researchers; the formation of a new view on the history and place of Kazakhstan in it, based on modern scientific approaches and a wide range of historical sources.
Editorial policy of “Series History. Philosophy” is determined by the main tendencies in the development of historical, philosophical, social and humanitarian sciences in general and interdisciplinary knowledge in the XXI century. The processes taking place in the modern world determine the main priorities of scientific publications. Series “History. Philosophy” is focused on the presentation of the main achievements of national and foreign scientists in the socio-humanitarian sphere.The relevance of published articles is confirmed by the fact that the series “History. Philosophy ”is also a dialogue platform on the main problems of modern society regarding the development of spiritual, cultural, historical, philosophical, religious studies, sociological, political science, educational, psychological scientific trajectories. Series “History. Philosophy” provides an opportunity to publish not only venerable, well-known scientists, but also young researchers who continue the traditions of academic science or create original ideas about the ways and forms of cognitive heuristics. The publication is aimed at a professional audience, as well as a wide range of readers interested in worldview problems and the current socio-humanitarian situation.
Editorial policy of “Series History. Philosophy ” was updated and approved at a meeting of the editorial board from 06.04.2020. Minutes No. 2.
Thematic focus of the “Series History. Philosophy” is associated with the main research priorities in the socio-humanitarian scientific space. As the main areas of the “Series History. Philosophy” states the following: actual problems of world history; the history of Turkic peoples, Russian history, anthropology, ethnology, source studies, historiography, archival studies, museology, philosophy, sociology, political science, psychology, etc.
Periodicity: The scientific journal of the «Bulletin of the Karaganda university. History. Philosophy series» issued four times a year (once a quarter).
Terms of publication in journal: For publication in the journal “Bulletin of Karaganda University” are
accepted only articles in Kazakh, Russian and English languages containing the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of social sciences.
Only materials corresponding to the profile of a scientific periodical are accepted for publication. They should be relevant, new, have scientific and practical significance.
All abbreviations and acronyms, with the exception of the well-known, should be deciphered on their first appearance in the text. Presenting the text of the work for publication in the journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the absence of plagiarism and other forms of unlawful borrowing in the manuscript of the work, the proper design of all borrowings of text, tables, diagrams, illustrations.
Reviewing process: Manuscripts of scientific articles in the journal are peer reviewed in order to ensure academic quality, as well as the correctness and reliability of the presentation of the results. Peer review maintains a high scientific and theoretical level for publications, and confirms the selection of the most relevant and significant scientific works.
All articles should be submitted to the editorial office of the journal “Vestnik of the Karaganda University. Series History. Philosophy ” so that they may undergo an primary expertise and peer review.
The editors of the journal have adopted international standards for double blind peer review to meet the requirements for objectivity regarding recommendations. Thus, the identity of the reviewers is also not disclosed to the authors or other reviewers (only if the reviewers themselves ask for a name). Reviewers, who are specialists in the relevant field of research, are appointed by the chief editor, from among the leading specialists in the profile of the article. All reviewers must adhere to the ethical requirements of scientific publications, requiring them to be objective and impartial.
Peer reviewing is carried out confidentially. If the article is rejected by reviewers, a refusal notice will be sent to the authors indicating reasons for rejection. The period for peer reviewing articles will be no longer than three weeks. Peer review indicates the relevance of the article, the reliability of the research results, the degree of their novelty, scientific and practical significance. The main disadvantages, defects of the material (if any) are also indicated.
The peer reviewer makes a conclusion about the possibility of publishing the article: accept (including with minor corrections); conditionally accept (with revision and re-review); or reject.
If given a positive review, the article will be submitted to a meeting of the editorial board. In the presence of any objections by a peer reviewer, which require revisions to the article, it will be sent to the author for revisions. After receiving the opinion of the peer reviewer, the issue of when to insert the said article for publication will be considered at an editorial board meeting.
In the case of a negative review, the work will be sent for subsequent examination. With two negative reviews, the author is given a reasoned refusal, certified by the Editor-in-Chief. If the second review is positive, the issue of publication after requisite revisions will be discussed at an editorial board meeting.
The reviewing process was updated and approved at a meeting of the editorial board from 06.04.2020. Minutes No. 2.
Archive and availability of scientific articles: published articles are posted on the journal's website - the "Archive" section. Contents of the journal “Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series History. Philosophy ”is in the public domain and provided free of charge to users and their organizations. Users are allowed to read, download, distribute, copy, print, search, or link to the full text of documents without prior permission from the publisher or author.
Validation for articles: Accepted for publication materials that corresponding to the profile of scientific periodicals. They should be current, new and have the scientific and practical significance. Checking of scientific articles for plagiarism is carried out by the executive secretary.
The author of a scientific article provides it in electronic form within the time limits established by the schedules for the publication of journals and in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles. Verification of scientific articles for the presence of borrowings is carried out using the "Antiplagiat" system» (Strikeplagiarism.com or antiplagiat.ru).
A scientific article should contain the results of original scientific research previously unpublished and not intended for publication in other publications. Scientific articles submitted for publication in scientific journals should comprise at least 70% of the original text. If the article does not comply with the originality standard, the article is sent for revision with a printout of the audit report. If the article is not corrected or, after refinement, it does not meet the standards of originality, the editorial board decides on the inadmissibility of its publication.
General information:
3. Bulletin of the Karaganda university. History. Philosophy series» is included in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science. December 27, 2012, No.1735; Much 18, 2021, No.256
Languages of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English.